Thursday, April 30, 2015

How the Defense Base Act Helps You

Sand storms carry toxic chemicals left from burn pits in the air.
 These are the horrific physical sacrifices made by the shadow soldiers, the civilian contractors, who work overseas on U.S. military bases alongside U.S. troops:

Each of these medical conditions experienced by the brave men and women--many who are veterans--employed in war zones in Iraq, Afghanistan, Asia, Africa and other countries for the Department of Defense as sub-contractor.

There's a Law Mandating Medical Care, Compensation

Constrictive Bronchiolitis occurs when toxins are inhaled.
The Defense Base Act Law ensures that medical and financial benefits are provided to protect and cover sick or injured civilian contractors working overseas.

What's a Contractor?

Civilian contractors, also known as private military contractors, PMCs, civilian military contractors, federal sub-contractors have worked on any U.S. military base in Iraq or Afghanistan. When and if they are injured or ill, they suffer while also having to fight for medical care from insurance companies.

U.S. troops have had their own battles for healthcare through the VA. However, civilian contractors are not members of the U.S. military. They are instead hired by U.S. government sub-contractors to support the U.S. troops. Yet when injured or ill, are left to fend for themselves against powerful insurers who only profit when they are NOT paying medical benefits and compensation.

Alone, on their own or even with the help of family or loved ones, the battle for healthcare
Burn pits were outlawed but damaged contractor's lungs.
and compensation can carry on for years after an injury or illness. This is not something that should be handled without legal help. 

What the Defense Base Act Law Covers

The DBA law covers all the legal fees so there is no out of pocket, no upfront, no contingency basis in order to get a lawyer's help.

DBA lawyers are paid by the Department of Labor to defend these men and women’s rights to medical care and benefits.

What is the Defense Base Act Law?

The Defense Base Act is a three-page law passed in 1941 to provide compensation for disability or death to persons employed at Military, Air and Naval Bases outside the United States.

No one breathes clean air in Iraq, Afghanistan sand storms.
The Defense Base Act covers injured or ill employees working as contractors or for a subcontractor holding a government contract with the United States overseas. This is a law covering locations not of the continental U.S. and do not have any state worker’s compensation rights or worker’s compensation benefits.

The DBA Law covers any person under the contract working outside the United States and the reason this coverage and provision is needed is that if you’re injured you receive rights and benefits due you just as if you were injured and then covered under your state’s worker’s compensations rights and statutes.

Defense Base Act Law Firm Garfinkel Schwartz

Florida Defense Base Act Law Firm Garfinkel Schwartz focuses on working with civilian contractors who are covered by the Defense Base Act Law. 

The Defense Base Act Law was created to protect anyone who works for the, is fighting for clients across the U.S. and around the world. Garfinkel Schwartz wants to go after the insurance companies that your employers paid. They relish the battle and have a history of fighting insurers that goes back to 1976.

Why They Fight

The reason that Garfinkel Schwartz fights is so that you can get the necessary medical care
Garfinkel Schwartz flies to clients across the U.S.
and compensation. Garfinkel Schwartz wants to fight so that you can recover, heal and take care of yourself and your family. This is a fourth-generation law firm committed to helping our military, civilian contractors and their families recover, heal and thrive.

It doesn’t matter where you are because Garfinkel Schwartz will fly to you. They’ll find ways to communicate with you. They’ll help you locate medical specialists and doctors in your area so that you can pursue the medical care and benefits that the Defense Base Act Law provides for you.

Don't Fight Without Some Help

If you’re a loved one who is fighting the insurers, filling out paperwork, calling and dialing, begging and battling, stop. You really shouldn’t try to beat them on your own.

You don’t have to call Garfinkel Schwartz. There are DBA lawyers out there, but you should call a highly experienced Defense Base Act Lawyer, (DBA lawyer) because this practice area is not common or well known. Very few lawyers practice DBA law.

What Does the Defense Base Act Cover?

The best news is that you will not pay any legal fees. That’s another part of this law: your legal fees, choice of doctor, medical care and compensation are covered. You’re taken care of after the illness or injury and will only have to focus on healing, recovering.
To recap:
  1. You never need to worry about legal or medical costs
  2. Just be certain to call a skilled DBA attorney
  3. Remember, you never pay for the help
  4. The Defense Base Act law provides:
--Medical care
--Your choice of doctor
--Your legal costs

This coverage is for any civilian contractor who has been struggling to receive medical care, compensation, prescriptions, medical evaluation treatments, surgeries, rehabilitation, ongoing care.

You are never alone so don't be afraid to ask for help and you're going to need it. Garfinkel Schwartz is committed to helping one family at a time. 

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